Monday, July 18, 2011

Abortion-To kill or not to kill...

Abortion has always been a sore topic and when people talk about it for the most part its very black and white. People are either for or against it, very few like myself are in the Grey area, where they see abortion as ok  depending on the situation. I  decided to do some research on  the reasons woman in America had abortions and they rated the answers by percentages. So this is based off a 2004 survey where approximately 2000 woman who had had abortions were surveyed and these were there responses.

reason % of abortions,

 rape <0.5
incest (<0.5)
mother has health problems 4
possible fetal health problems 3
unready 25
is too immature or young to have child 7
woman's parents want her to have abortion <0.5
has problems with relationship or wants to avoid single parenthood 8
husband or partner wants her to have abortion <0.5
has all the children she wanted or all children are grown 19
can't afford baby now 23
--unmarried 42
--student or planning to study 32
--can't afford baby and child care 28
--can't afford basic life needs 23
--unemployed 22
--can't leave job to care for baby 21
--would have to find new place to live 19
--not enough support from husband/partner 14
--husband/partner unemployed 12
--currently on welfare or public assistance 8
concerned about how having baby would change her life 74
--would interfere with education plans 4 
--would interfere with care of children or dependents 32
doesn't want others to know she had relations or is pregnant <0.5
other 6

As you can see most reasons in my opinion were bullshit  reasons. Very few woman actually had abortions due to fetal problems, rape or incest the rest were woman who  simply  didn't use protection and got knocked up. So here is my solution to the abortion issue. There should be a law passed that states that woman who have more the two abortions should be sterilized. This would however  exclude woman and girls who have  chose abortion due to heath problems, rape or incest. 
Woman on the other hand who got pregnant and had abortions simply because they chose not to use birth control and or see abortions as a method of birth control should be sterilized as I mentioned after 2 abortions. For someone to put there body through that type of procedure more than once is an obvious sign this person is mentally unstable and more then likely cant handle the responsibilities that come with sex. They probably feel as if there life is out of there control and or have impulse control issues.The same would apply to promiscuous teens except parents would be held responsible to some extent.IMO if your kids had more then two abortions then your failing as a parent or guardian for not teaching them about sex, protection or abstinence. If this became a law people would think twice about who or how there fucking because there ability to procreate in  the future would be at stake. This should keep people from making lazy impulse decisions. It may even lower the number of people contracting stds. In this day in age, In this country (America), woman should have no problem getting birth control. Its even handed out for free at certain facilities and stores. I see this as a more realistic approach to dealing with the issue of abortion while having your cake and eating it too. Religious fundies with there wishes of ending abortion clinics need to get a grip on things and leave  there God out of the equation. If  they actually had it there way and all abortion clinics got wiped out, that still wouldn't solve the issue if anything it would make it worse. More woman would probably be risking there life having at home abortions or bringing unwanted children into this world, into unhappy unstable situations or foster homes.

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